Uniquely Designed Live Bird Handling G E N T L E B I R D H A N D L I N G T O P R O T E CT P R O D U CT Q U A L I T Y BAADER UniLoad Live Bird Handling System design prioritizes animal well-being from catching to shackling and offers unparalleled configuration options. Spacious transport drawers accommodate more birds per load, reducing carbon footprint while ensuring their comfort. BAADER offers two different CAS systems to best fit any processing needs. Our reception system ensures gentle live bird conveying, eliminating dumping and tipping, allowing shackling from the drawer to minimize stress while improving product quality. The adaptable, modular design grows with your requirements, assuring compliance with animal welfare guidelines. Upgrade to UniLoad today and redefine your live bird handling experience Scan the code for more information 1.800.288.3434 bfs-us@baader.com www.baader.comhttps://poultry.baader.com/live-bird-handling/uniload http://www.baader.com