Equipment Ready to Ship and Service on Demand High Quality Ground Meat Production High Performance 175 & 180A Mixer Grinders * Why wait months...when you can have it in days * Swing open hopper for easy cleaning * Safety interlocked lid and hopper * Easily removed bowl & screw * Shortest screw in the industry, reducing heat buildup * All stainless steel construction 175 Mixer / Grinder 180A Mixer / Grinder Scan Here to Learn More About Our Partners FOOD PROCESSING EQUIPMENT SINCE 1937 For 84+ years, Hollymatic has strived to innovate and improve processing equipment. Today we offer solutions for processing various proteins and alternative products. Cutting, Grinding, Forming, Tenderizing, Stuffi ng, Marinating Systems and Vacuum Packaging. Our Success is Driven by Integrity, Innovation, Quality and Care for Our Customers. * 708-579-3700 708-579-3700 816-444-1789 800-295-2949 262-925-1828 574-935-8439