SMALL BUSINESS MATTERS ALL-AROUND MESSAGING A quick lesson on what Nick is talking about appears on the website, oldstationcraftmeats. com. On this site there are plenty of brief and easy-to-follow recipes for everything from prime rib to tri-tips. This newcomer to meat merchandising uses the website to inform visitors about the source of the company's meats. It displays photos of the families who raised the livestock and the location of the farms. While the emphasis is on locally raised meats, Nick said there are some items that he must source from different states to maintain the quality of what he sells. For example, he sources air-chilled chicken from Pennsylvania. " There are many restaurants and clubs in our region, " he noted. " Almost all of them want to offer locally produced foods and we offer them special recipes or meat cuts in the sizes or portions they want. We want to offer them training like we do with our individual customers so they are informed and can serve up the best product for every meal. That includes promoting other locally grown non-meat ingredients. " Old Station Craft Meats is also a dealer for the Big Green Egg family of grills and smokers. Not only do they have an array of rubs, sauces and seasonings to go with the meats they sell, but they also want to have their customers' finished product turn 60 MEAT+POULTRY | 03.23 | www.meatpoultry.com