TOP PERFORMERS COMPANY/SALES 2021 2020 STX Beef Co. P.34 $488M* $13M* SugarCreek P.34 $740M* $740M SuKarne P.34 $2.80B* $2.80B Superior Farms (American Lamb) P.34 $250M $250M Surlean Foods P.34 $400M* $400M* Sysco Corp. P.34 $17.10B* $17.10B* Tip Top Poultry, Inc. P.36 $227M* $227M* Trim-Rite Foods P.36 $90M $89M Triumph Foods, LLC (Daily's Premium Meats is owned 50/50 by Seaboard Foods and Triumph Foods) P.36 $1.50B* $1.50B Tyson Foods, Inc. P.36 $43.20B $42.40B* Wayne Farms, LLC P.36 $2.20B $2.20B West Liberty Foods, LLC P.38 $819M $1.02B* Williams Sausage Co., Inc. P.38 $130M* $130M* Wolverine Packing Co. P.38 $1.30B* $1.30B* * indicates data is estimated Challenge demands change. Yesterday's solutions won't keep up with tomorrow's challenges. The status quo can be found everywhere you look. But we're changing the way water solutions are designed and delivered, helping customers realize RSSRUWXQLWLHVGLࢆHUHQWO\ 20See MEAT+ POULTRY | 03.21 | at the difference