ThighFilleting StandAlone or Integrated into Cut-Up H IG H T H R O U G H P UTWIT H E XC E L LE NT PR OD UCTQUA LI TY TheBAADERThigh Filleting System 632 is an industry proven solution that provides substantial yieldimprovement andexcellent productquality with minimaltrimming required.Precise knee joint positioningthroughoutthe cutting processensures thecartilage staysattached to thebone, notthe meat.For maximumthroughputcapacityand labor reductions,the ThighFilletSystem632 produces up to 14,000 boneless,skinlessthighsper hour when integrated within theProFlex PremiumCut-upLine. Scan thecodefor more information 1.800.288.3434 www.baader.com