WE DON'T JUSTSELL SYSTEMS, WE BUILD LASTING PARTNERSHIPS. Formorethan six decades, FPEC hashonedits expertise in designing layoutsthatoptimize production efficiency forbothgrinding lines and wholemuscle marination lines. Leveraging cutting-edge3DCAD drawings, we provide aglimpse of how your system will seamlessly integrateintoyour space-allowing youtovisualize its form and function before making a purchase. As afamily-ownedand operated company,FPEC remainscommittedtoensuring consistent uptime foryour productionlines.Our passion lies in not justmeeting but exceeding your expectations. Whether it'sstreamlining theflow of ingredientsinyourmarination process or fine-tuningthe layout of your grinding equipment, we're dedicatedtotailoring solutionsthat enhanceyour overall operational efficiency. Springdale,Arkansas |www.fpec.com| 479.751.9392 See us at Booth # C15141 American-made quality since 1959.http://www.fpec.com