Ground products RISCO RS 918 +MMTL Labor, time and space saver! High-Tech,small footprint& smartsolutions forground products in tray. Scan formore RISCO Ground Beef Systems are designed forproducingground meat from various sourcessuchas beef,pork, chicken,and turkey, ensuring uniform portions forfurther processing. Oneofthe keyfeatures is theabilityto portion anddeposit theground meat directly into trays without manual interventionbythe operator.Trayloaders automate theloading of trays, reduce manual labor and speed up the production line. Combiningthesecomponentscreates astreamlined ground meat production system that meetsqualitystandards and enhances productivity. RISCO's commitment to innovationand efficiencymakes them a reliablechoice forindustrialmeat processing. See us at Booth # C44171 RISCOUSA CORPORATION | 60 BristolDrive | SouthEaston, MA | Phone +1 508 2303336 | | www.riscousa.com