[ ] SLICE it [ ] CASE it GRILL[it] Only at PROCESS EXPO, watch two full working meat production lines in action. Discover how different pieces of equipment can work with connecting components and how you can incorporate these products into your own plants. Speak with 500+ suppliers face-to-face to discuss how they can customize equipment for your specific needs. You'll also get the opportunity to find solutions from other food and beverage industry segments, find automation solutions for waste reduction and improved plant operations, and take home practical applications from the special Food Safety and Hygienic Design Program. PROCESS it. PACK it. PROFit. October 8-11, 2019 * McCormick Place * Chicago, IL USA Register today at www.myprocessexpo.com/meatandpoultry. Use code MNP19 for a FREE pass. The global food and beverage processing and packaging show.http://www.myprocessexpo.com/meatandpoultry