USSS-1/2 Penetrating Stunner USSS-21 Penetrating Stunner JCIVA Dehider MCS 300 Air Circular Breaking Saw USSS-2A Non-Penetrating Stunner USSS-1, USSS-2/2A, USSS-21 and USSS-1/2, U.S. Patent No. 6,135,871; German Patent No. DBP/603 48 402.6; European Patent No. EP1613164 6HWWLQJWKHLQGXVWU\VWDQGDUGIRU SRZHUWRROVXVHGLQEHHIDQGSRUN VODXJKWHUIORRUDQGERQLQJ URRPDSSOLFDWLRQV -DUYLVDOVRSURYLGHVIUHHWUDLQLQJ VHUYLFH SER-04 Reciprocating Breaking Saw Buster IX Carcass Splitting Bandsaw SEC 180-4 Circular Breaking Saw Buster VI Carcass Splitting Bandsaw for Pork 50G Beef Dehorner New SEC Series of Circular Breaking Saws Jarvis Products Corporation World Leader in Meat Processing Equipment View these tools on our website 33 Anderson Road, Middletown, CT 06457 Tel: (860) 347-7271 Fax: (860) 347-9905 E-mail: Website: www.jarvisproducts.com