For the best fit and performance, would you put a Ford part in a GM car? Not likely, but some would actually consider putting an off-brand belt on a Stein Spiral Oven or a Frigoscandia Freezer. Our advice: watch out for belts that look good and are attractively priced to win you over. What you might save in the initial purchase will cost you down the line. The FRIGoBELT® conveyor and FRIGoDRIVE® system that we manufacture, and stand behind, are integral to our GYRoCOMPACT® ovens and freezers. Our spiral belts are the most tested and most proven belts in the world of cooking and freezing. We back this up by having the most installed operational spiral belts in the world. Before considering off-brand belts, discuss your belt needs with your JBT FoodTech representative. www.jbtfoodtech.com