How to make short work of hanging extra, extra long sausages. INTRODUCING THE SWISTICK XXL DOUBLE CLIPPER FOR AUTOMATED SAUSAGE HANGING ■ Our unique Tipper Tie Alpina SwiStick XXL with the Swipper Double Clipper - newly released at IFFA 2010 - is the perfect solution for the high-speed production of heavy and large sausages. ■ The SwiStick XXL automatically portions, clips, string loops and hangs sausage directly onto smoke sticks to reduce product waste and operator intervention. ■ The SwiStick XXL eliminates repetitive hand labor associated with hanging long, heavy sausages and greatly reduces your labor costs. ■ The SwiStick XXL safely and precisely hangs sausages in plastic, fibrous and collagen casings with lengths up to 1700 mm. It hangs up to 65 loops/minute onto the smoke stick, depending on the product size. ■ The system features a motorized smoke stick magazine which allows continuous hanging and ensures the highest levels of sausage production. 0 - -1 The SwiStick XXL automatically loads heavy, extra long sausages directly onto smoke sticks. TIPPER TIE TECHNOPACK ALPINA A COMPANY (800) 331-2905 x313* www.tippertie.com