Lower freezing times r f.: higher profit levels Thanks to the very latest technology and a host of innovative energy saving features, our freezer and freezing systems will boost your productivity, improve product quality and lower costs. We produce a complete range of models to suit virtually any product application and production requirement. Freeze your products - not your profits. Call us to find out more. 1-888-888-9107 � 4VQFSGMPX&BTZDMFBO'SFF[FS a 4UBOEBSEBOE$VTUPNNBEF4QJSBM'SFF[FST .BSFM'PPE4ZTUFNTt'MJOU4USFFUt-FOFYBt,4t $SVTU'SFF[FS FREEZING www.marel.com/freezing 4VQFSGMPX&OFSHJB.L mare/ food systemshttp://www.marel.com/freezing