$8.1 7 ru i t Weighed. � OSSID Priced. 3' y Labeled. Perfect. You Spoke. We Listened. When we wanted to redesign our Weigh Price Labelers we knew where to start - with you. We listened to the features that mattered most to you and what we came up with was a simple, flexible series of machines that adapts to your needs. You said "It must be simple," so we gave it an easy-to-use touch screen. You said "It must be easy to service," so we made it easy to service over the Internet. You said "It must fit all my different sized packages," so we made it in 3 sizes so you can pick the exact one for you. And then you said "It must be affordable," so we did that, too. Our new line of Weigh Price Labelers - the 1516, the 1520 and the 1524 - everything you need, nothing you don't. Go to www.WeighingLine.com or call 1-800-334-8369 for more information. a division NPIO M2Chhttp://www.WeighingLine.com