A ME �I � coNV EN in� MEAT O'' I OCES 50RF PROGESSOR� ER.. A+ SU PPPL PLII ER FXHiRrT in ��i II1 A JUIiY 24-26, 2008 CINCINNATI, OHIO HMhuICAN ASSOCIATION OPMCAT 7 PROCESSORS Join the Amer ican Association of Meat Processors (AAMP) in Cincinnati ,Ohio for the 59th Annual American Conven tion of Meat Processo rs & Supplie rs ' Exhibit ion. Attend a pre-conven tion workshop and educational sessions, view exhibits and meat industr y related demonst rations ,and enter your products in the Ameri can Cured Meat Championships. Also attend AAMP' s social events to connect with fellow processors , make fri ends , and mostof all have fun. Contact AAMP for more Informat ion. Toll-free:(877) 877-0168 .Email: aamp @aamp.com WEBSITE: WWW.AAMP.COM Ihttp://WWW.AAMP.COM