Prevention of E. coli O157:H7 for Beef Further Processors conference Low cost. One day. Sign up now! September 25th at the Four Points by Sheraton, O'Hare Airport, Chicago, IL i NAMP NORTH AMERICAN MEAT PROCESSORS ASSOCIATION Featured speakers include: * Dr. James Marsden Kansas State University NAMP Senior Science Advisor E. coli O157:H7 control expert * Dr. Dan Engeljohn Deputy Assistant Administrator FSIS Office of Policy, Program, and Employee Development For more information, go to or call toll free at (866) 734-9407 Concerned about several recent high profile recalls caused by the detection of E. coli O157:H7 in meat products? Make sure the next headline isn't about your company. Plan now to attend this important one-day seminar designed to help processors who produce ground meats, mechanically tenderized products and other meat products with a higher risk potential. Learn the latest technologies and options available to prevent E. coli O157:H7 in your product. f The Public Health Impact - What do we know? f Writing Purchasing Specs - How to safely buy raw materials. f Intervention Technologies - The latest and greatest. f Regulatory Compliance - Current expectations and a first look at a new FSIS initiatives. f Testing - How to set up a successful program. f Lotting - Best ways to prevent a recall. f Best Practices - Expert guidance from industry leaders. SM Another service of the North American Meat Processors Association, whose members are Center of the Plate Specialists .