Find Listeria AOAC is a trademark of AOAC INTERNATIONAL. 3M and Petrifilm are trademarks of 3M. ©3M 2007. All Rights Reserved. Before it Stops You. Manage environmental Listeria levels with consistent, cost-effective testing. The 3M Petrifilm Environmental Listeria (EL) Plate is a powerful tool to add to your Listeria prevention program. Petrifilm EL Plate provides quantitative results, giving you better information to find and focus on potential problem areas or entry points. This cost-effective test makes tracking and managing Listeria throughout your plant easier. TM TM Now . . . You Can't Afford Not To Test * Rapid, confirmed Listeria results in 27-31 hours from sample collection * Safer Method - No enrichment or culture transfers * No specialized equipment needed Faster Results Easy To Use Cost-Effective For more information visit the 3M Microbiology website at or call 1-800-860-0022 Ext. 949. 3M