Kayem goes large New England company expands links nationwide By Jane Messenger jmessenger@sosland.com 64 I MEAT&POULTRY I June 2007 I A growing number of consumers across the country are getting to know Kayem Foods. The East Coast manufacturer of deli meats, hams, hot dogs and gourmet sausages is no longer one of New England's bestkept secrets. The 95-year-old, family run meat processing company based in Chelsea, Mass., has embarked on an ambitious goal of expanding their distribution and brands nationwide. www.MEATPOULTRY.com Kayem is building on the momentum that has seen branded sales transition from just 36 percent of total company sales in 2003 to 58 percent in 2007. Its streamlined variety of products were previously sold only at regional retail outlets but are now stocked at Costco stores and other retail chains across the country. Products also are sold by mail order on the Kayem Web site. Polish immigrant and sausage-maker,http://www.MEATPOULTRY.com