Launch Yields with Unitherm's SPIRAL OVENS - :; * I \ I Unitherm's spiral ovens pack hundreds of feet of continuous cooking surface into a compact footprint. Get perfectly cooked products from the first piece to the last, with yields and throughput you never thought possible! FEATURES: * Steam, Roast or combination * Combine with Unitherm's Spiral Chiller or Freezer * High Temperature performance * Compact Sizes starting at 10' x 10' * 500 - 10,000 lbs/hour Cooking Capacity * CIP Cleaning System * Smoke Options available 1ILThE RJ i LI_ 502 Industrial Road * Bristow, OK 74010 * Tel: 918-367-0197 * Fax: 918-367-5440 E-mail: Visit our website: COOK/CHILL SPECIALISTS $