0 Bring Home More Bacon Drive Profitability with New FlexVac® 6-18 Equipment and Curwood's High-Performance Bacon Films The next generation in bacon packaging has arrived. The newly reengineered FlexVac 6-18® machine delivers increased uptime with reduced labor and maintenance costs to drive profitability. Combine it with Curwood's marketleading bacon packaging films for a single, streamlined system that really helps "bring home more bacon." Increase performance on your bacon packaging line. Contact Curwood at 920-303-7300 or curwood@bemis.com. T H E P A C K A G E M A K E S I T P O S S I B L E.™ I 'i; A TLU IU I 2200 BADGER AVE * PO BOX 2968 * OSHKOSH, WI 549032968 * 9203037300 * FAX 9203037306 * WWW.CURWOOD.COM ©2007 Curwood, Inc. FV.MP.5.07 1 ' I®http://WWW.CURWOOD.COM