/ / * I, 1 / * / / : / * -, - - * Ti - ' * * *- - 2007 AMI - .5 EXPO International Meat ,Pouttry& Seafood Industry CONVENTION & EXPOSITION I*Th iThi b 1 UFe cvw n: 1111II1UUbLFy 11W - AMI's education program offers knowledge for immediate appli cation in your business. SUPER SESSION TOPICS INCLUDE: Competing and Succeeding in a Global Economy Generations , Lifestyles and the Future of the Meat and Dairy Industry What America Eats and Drinks .%7 &/2 IrY S up er Session \-: - - nDsd - , 26Tii: Töö n-Scam October 24-27, 2007 McCormick Place Chicago , IL USA SPANISH LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING Technologies for Extending Shelf Life Fl II tqF - Case Ready Technologies and Latin America Enhancing Ham Products Plant & Equipment Design for Food Safety For more information, contact AMI at: Tel: +1(202) 587-4200 Fax: +1(202) 587-4300 E-mail: wwfe@cmgexpo.com Or visit us online at: www .wor ldwidefood .com You'll eitherbe withtheminChicago, or behind theminthe marketplace1