I Intervention is the Best Prevention Regardless of the threat, Zep Manufacturing Company believes that proper intervention is the key to preventing widespread food supply borne contamination issues. Intervention is the best prevention. Preventing cross contamination is one of your most valuable tools and is rapidly becoming more important than ever. Let Zep show you our plan for preventing cross contamination. With cutting edge sanitation chemicals, equipment, procedures, personnel and auditing programs, we can help you intervene before contamination becomes a major concern to your business. E-mail us today at ZepFood@zepmfg.com to learn how to qualify for free sanitation product for your business. iI / / 41 Listeria Forces Record Recall Visit us at IPE Booth #1258 Zep - Innovation in Food Sanitation 1-877-I-BUY-ZEP * zepfood@zepmfg.com * www.zep.com .1 For more information, see Page 81http://www.zep.com