SANITA RY CONVEYING... A R E YOU DOING ALL YOU CAN? ThermoDrive® Sprocket Driven Hygienic Belting is the solution to ongoing washdown , product waste and contamination problems associated with modular or fabric reinforced conveyor belting. ThermoDrive is made in the USA. '- The hingeless , ,' - . positive drive conveyor belt that requires no pre-tension and will not stretch! U SDA COMPONENT P E R F E C T HER M O D R I V E SPROCKET A NG MOL DR I V E N M O T ® ON BELTI N G H Y G I EN I C B E L T I NG INDUSTRIES PRODUCT -/, ).$5342)%3 s 4(%2-/$2)6% -/,).$5342)%3#/For more information, see Page 89