Can you increase slice yields 3%?* 'I A. S We understand your challenges. In order to win business, you need to be better than your competition. You need to offer more while making it for less. And to keep that business, you must deliver what was promised - consistently. For more than 27 years, Wolf-tec has helped processors gain that business by providing them with: W I :1 ■ The technology ■ The know-how ■ The tools Wolf-tec can help you develop even better looking, firmer, and higher yielding products. We have the solutions you need to make the best center plate and deli meats, while offering process efficiencies so you can produce them at a lower cost. Let us show you how to replace your current tumbler process and produce even better products more efficiently. Take control of your product and process with Wolf-tec. Polar Massager Call us today. Our proven results will give you the edge. r ra'i WoIf -tec ,' V POLAR TECHNOLOGY 1.877.965.3832 Kingston, NY USA *Based on multiple 2003 plant test results. Average 2.28% increase over competitor's jacketed tumblers. Average 3% increase over control process. Applications in ham and turkey in various PFF and moisture ranges. Contact Wolf-tec for more details on these and other performance studies. Your actual results may vary. For more information, see Page 97 Photo courtesy of Weber Inc. *'1