NO HINGE i Soaking Belts :1 I Broken Pieces * , . I. _ **.i w Product Waste . P E R F E C T I N G 4 ( % 2 - / $ M O T I O N 2 ) 6 % " % , 4 ) . ' 302/#+%4 $2)6%. (9')%.)# "%,4).' A MOL I N D U S T R I E S P R O D U C T ThermoDrive® Sprocket Driven Hygienic Belting is the High Bacteria Counts revolutionary hinge-less solution to ongoing problems of excessive wash down methods , expensive product waste and disastrous product contamination caused by .) -/, ).$5342)%3 modular belt conveying. PONENT For more information, see Page 97 800. 729.2358 . THERMODRIVE@MOLINDUSTRIES.COM