Contents July 2005 Volume 51 No. 7 17 34 40 46 Salary survey Tracking compensation trends Face-off Around the block 20th Annual Salary and Benefits Survey Salary survey has withstood the test of time Canada becomes a formidable U.S. competitor National Beef's perseverance pays off 58 62 66 51 FoodSafetySolutions Reaching the summit Progress report Executive Spotlight Conveying cleanliness Swift & Co.'s new $8-million R&D center caters to customers Evaluating Mike Johanns' first six months as U.S.D.A. head Odom's Tennessee Pride's Jim Stonehocker Designing cleaner conveyors 17 46 News & Opinion The Front Page 62 58 Special Report: 67 Late breaking news ....... 3 International News & Trends Commentary News briefs from around the world ......... 14 Vying for public eye appeal ............................. 8 From the Corral Business Notes Hatching innovations in poultry stunning .......... 84 News briefs from around the industry ..... 10 Washington Departments Advertising Index......... 97 Classified Ads ............. 94 Names in the News ...... 93 News from Suppliers.... 92 Product Showcase ........ 86 The Insider ................. 98 U.S.D.A. weighs in on diet issues ........................... 83 I July 2005 I MEAT&POULTRY I 5