Tools The resulting failure is evidenced by grease release from the wiener as well as poor-quality product. A second type of emulsifier utilizes bypassing knives. There is no direct metal-to-metal contact such as the plate and knife emulsifier. This process does minimize the heat rise, which can cause quality problems. The one point to be aware of is that there is no direct cutting action meat (which has significant connective 6 8' an d 12" 12"ST R Area Drain with Plate Cover tissue) which will result in stringy pieces in the sausage. Grinding the fresh meat through a smaller hole size initially can minimize this. The chopper, or bowl cutter, can be used as a grinder, mixer and emulsifier, all within in one piece of equipment. To accomplish all this in one action requires greater skill or experience. Because the machine is not preset to give a uniform particle size and encased the fat in the protein moisture matrix, it can only be accomplished by the skill of the operator. This skill comes from experience. It is a wonderful piece of equipment; it just takes longer to learn how to properly operate it. The stuffer operates similar to the fresh-meat stuffer. The major difference is much of the cured products such as wieners and bologna are packaged in net-weight packages. This requires the stuffing equipment to be precise, which is necessary to minimize giveaway per package. The main difference in wiener and bologna stuffing from fresh sausage stuffing is the sizing portion of the stuffer. The sizer is designed to maintain the proper tension on the casing as it Slot Trench 12"Stain lesslrench with Catch Basin StainIessDrains m a division of the henry group 800.356.7591 For more information, see Page 65 38 I MEAT&POULTRY I April 2005 I Bone-in pork chops are injected with a solution to produce an enhanced product. (Source: Iowa State University)