Contents February 2005 Volume 51 No: 2 22 28 Supplying the Sausagefest BBQ niche strategies Pre-rigor profits Smokehouse maintenance Meat preferences of competitive cooks The victors speak out Sausage demand pushes Calihan Pork to new heights Troubleshooting equipment guide 32 36 46 19 Northern exposure Supply chain optimization Attention to detail Cuts cut productivity B.S.E. shapes the future of Canada's beef business Making distribution more efficient Practical advice for maintaining quality Blade safety programs can enhance profits 16 42 42 22 52 52 News & Opinion The Front Page Food Ingredient Solutions Late breaking news ...... 3 International News & Trends Commentary News briefs from around the world ......... 14 Counter intelligence ....... 6 Business Notes Labor Just saying no .............. 58 News briefs from around the industry ...... 8 On the cover: 28 Added dimension New trends in batters and breadings Departments Advertising Index ........ 69 Classified Ads ............. 66 Names in the News ...... 64 News from Suppliers... 65 Product Showcase ....... 61 The Insider ................... 70 Washington ................ 60 Smokin' Guns BBQ, Kansas City, Mo. Photo by Kevin Blayney I February 2005 I MEAT&POULTRY I 7