June 2004 Volume: 50 No: 6 Features 37 34 Auditing auditors Picking the wrong one can lead to a false sense of security Sausagemaking savvy Quality products and promotion help Uncle Charley's grow Article archives: Search the article archives by keyword Featured stories: Special Web features and expanded print articles Labeling issues: Monthly Web column on labeling RED BOOK: Buyer's Guide contact information for hundreds of suppliers and a list of more than 500 products and services. News Weekly headlines: The industry's most important news stories developed by the M&P staff Industry News & Commentary: News and information brought to you by LexisNexis and opinion columns written by some of the top people in the industry Association News: Media updates and news from the trade associations that serve the meat and poultry industry News & opinion Departments The Front Page Late breaking news .................................... 3 Advertising Index .................. 67 Commentary Stick it to 'em ............................................... 8 Publisher's Note Staying informed........................................ 10 Business Notes News briefs from around the industry ....... 11 International News & Trends News briefs from around the world ........... 14 JUNE 2004 Departments Classified Ads....................... 62 Industry Calendar: The most complete list of industry events available on the web Names in the News .............. 59 Supplier News: Notes about people, suppliers and new products updated 24/7. News from Suppliers ............ 60 Product Literature................. 61 Product Showcase................ 57 The Insider ........................... 68 From the corral Stunning precision..................................... 54 Trade Events: The latest information about upcoming trade events including conference agendas and exhibitor lists Job Center The meat and poultry industry's most comprehensive resource for career opportunities and resumes of quality candidates! * Search Jobs * Post/Update a resume * Job notification service * Employer profiles * Recruiter services Washington........................... 56 www.MEATPOULTRY.com MEAT&POULTRY 7http://www.MEATPOULTRY.com