JARVIS Now Has Two Types of Pneumatic Stunners Penetrating and Non-Penetrating USSS-1 Penetrating Stunner with monorail type restrainer * One shot humane stunning procedure - high reliability * Easy to handle and safe to operate - no recoil or kick back - less operator fatigue * Renders the stunned animal insensible to pain USSS-2 Non-Penetrating Stunner with head type restrainer One Shot Stunning Renders the Animal Completely Insensible to Pain Patent No. 6,135,871, Patents Pending Worldwide Jarvis Products Corporation 33 Anderson Road, Middletown, CT 06457 Telephone (860) 347-7271 Fax (860) 347-9905 E-mail jarvis.products.corp@snet.net Web site: www.jarvisproducts.com For more information, see ad index on Page 67http://www.jarvisproducts.com